Will usually consist of at least 5 hours of flight per day (maximum of 7 hours), making a minimum of two stops. High altitude cross-country flights will be the normal as well as interspersed visits to various airports suitable to the PC12. This will involve flight, weather planning and ATC communications plus operations of the installed avionic / weather equipment in the aircraft.
As a part of the training we will attempt to fly into high-density traffic airports for STAR/SID operations and instrument approaches. Also, will travel to high-country airports (weather permitting) for mountain operations / recognition.
This training is meant to help a new operator acclimate to the normal operations of the PC12 in a “faster-higher-slicker avionics” segment of aviation. The client (pilot) has already completed his or her initial training so nothing will go wrong now, right? Wrong attitude. During the flights (and on the ground) questions will be asked of the pilot as a review of the systems and procedures regarding the continuous safe operation of the PC12 with the goal of building confidence and good judgment.